Initial Assessment 

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort related to a sports injury or other physical activity, booking an initial assessment at our sports injury clinic can be the first step towards recovery. Our experienced therapist will conduct a thorough evaluation and assessment of your condition to create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

What is an Initial Assessment?

An initial assessment is a 45-minute session that allows the physician to have a better understanding of your injury. The appointment will include a subjective and a physical assessment which will allow the therapist to get to the root of the issue. Your goals, concerns, and questions are all addressed at this time. This initial assessment is required in order to provide you with the information necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment

Who We Treat 

We treat young, old and all in between. Sports injuries to non-sports injuries. People who want to stay active as well as those who are sedentary.

Conditions Treated 


Initial assessment  £35

What our clients have to say